What can you possibly do to recover from the loss of a loved one more easily? Are there any words that can comfort?
What can you possibly do to recover from the loss of a loved one more easily? Are there any words that can comfort? The loss of a loved one leaves deep scars behind, and life appears to have changed forever. And in a bad way.
We crave for hearing the familiar voice again, to hug them for the last time, to say the words we never did.. We all crave for a chance to meet them at least once more.
Losing a beloved one can be a very traumatic time. Although coping with loss is a deeply personal experience, there are also some common steps to the bereavement and grief process. Knowing those steps will help you to work through your grief.
1) Express your emotions
Coping with the loss of a person you love brings up almost every emotion imaginable. It's natural to go crazy sometimes, as it's normal to experience a number of different emotions. Gently remind yourself in your time of grief that your feelings are yours, and they're well within the norm. It is important to your process to understand that there's no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to your feelings.
2) Ask for support
While there might be times as you are coping with loss when you'll wish to be alone, it is important to gather a support group around you for those times when you need them. Friends, family, and perhaps a therapist are all people who can and should be accessed during a grief process. These people can be a source of emotional support as well as physical needs if needed. The death of a loved one will often leave a hole in the life of the survivor which can be, at least temporarily, occupied by a support team.
3) Take your time to mourn
Bereavement and grief is a process. You need to know that each of us has their own way of coping with loss. You can't put a time limit on your grief. You should allow yourself to experience the stages of grief as they come up.
4) Rediscover your life
By working towards overcoming the death of a person you love, you'll come to a place of accepting death as a reality. You'll find yourself able to move forward at some point. You'll then embrace your life without your loved one by your side. The process through bereavement and grief is your own. Everybody responds differently to coping with loss. Above all, you need be kind to yourself and know that you'll wake one day and find that life can go on.